Friday, 6 April 2012

Religion, Bundy and Madonna

Sometimes I think I need some form of religion. I see religion as a way for people to come together and share one uniform philosophy with each other. I have this idea that I'm this little particle, twirling around other particles, never being part of the motion causing the friction.

If I were to choose a religion it wouldn't be one of the 'biggies'. I was born into one of them and it wasn't a good fit. I was also a Kabbalist for like a week largely due to Madonna and the eBay purchase of a bracelet. This ended with the loss of said bracelet on an ill-fated night out in San Francisco back in '05. In my eyes the 'biggies' are like corporations (something I like to avoid if at all possible since I stopped working for one) but then again what are you left with? A small, bespoke, "tailored to you" type of faith. In the past I've thought this to be perfect and sounding absolutely rare. I can see it now: a group of plucky like-minded folks who shun the big organisations in search of a "purer truth" or a "better way of life" - you get the picture.

We'd sit in meadows and grow our hair long and all wear purple. We'd be vegan and adopt spirit names like Rain and Tree. We wouldn't need society! We would be our own society! Then it hits me: I'm heading toward Suicide Cultville - otherwise known as Bundytown - so I try and re-think, but by this point all you're left with is the ones that take a percentage of your income, which is just bad manners.

So therein lies the rub. I'll probably just approach it as a spectator, only interested from afar. Instead I'll be spiritual and focus on being a good person. You shouldn't really need religion to teach you that anyway.

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